## ELinks 0.13.GIT configuration file
## This is ELinks configuration file. You can edit it manually,
## if you wish so; this file is edited by ELinks when you save
## options through UI, however only option values will be altered
## and missing options will be added at the end of file; if option
## is not written in this file, but in some file included from it,
## it is NOT counted as missing. Note that all your formatting,
## own comments and so on will be kept as-is.
## Obviously, if you don't like what ELinks is going to do with
## this file, you can change it by altering the config.saving_style
## option. Come on, aren't we friendly guys after all?
# Automatically saved options
## config
#  Configuration handling options.
  ## config.saving_style_w [0|1]
  #  This is internal option used when displaying a warning about obsolete
  #  config.saving_style. You shouldn't touch it.
  set config.saving_style_w = 1
## terminal
#  Terminal options.
  ## terminal.rxvt-unicode-256color
  #  Options specific to this terminal type (according to $TERM value).
    ## terminal.rxvt-unicode-256color.underline [0|1]
    set terminal.rxvt-unicode-256color.underline = 1
    ## terminal.rxvt-unicode-256color.italic [0|1]
    set terminal.rxvt-unicode-256color.italic = 1
    ## terminal.rxvt-unicode-256color.transparency [0|1]
    set terminal.rxvt-unicode-256color.transparency = 1
    ## terminal.rxvt-unicode-256color.colors <num>
    set terminal.rxvt-unicode-256color.colors = 3
    ## terminal.rxvt-unicode-256color.block_cursor [0|1]
    set terminal.rxvt-unicode-256color.block_cursor = 1
## ui
#  User interface options.
  ## ui.language <language>
  #  Language of user interface. 'System' means that the language will be
  #  extracted from the environment dynamically.
  set ui.language = "System"
# Automatically saved options
## ui
#  User interface options.
  ## ui.show_ip [0|1]
  #  Whether to display IP of the document in the status bar.
  set ui.show_ip = 1
# Automatically saved options
## terminal
#  Terminal options.
  ## terminal.xterm-256color
  #  Options specific to this terminal type (according to $TERM value).
    ## terminal.xterm-256color.type <num>
    set terminal.xterm-256color.type = 0
# Automatically saved keybindings
bind "main" "Shift-Tab" = "move-link-prev"
bind "main" "Tab" = "move-link-next"
# Automatically saved options
## connection
#  Connection options.
  ## connection.max_connections <num>
  #  Maximum number of concurrent connections.
  set connection.max_connections = 16
  ## connection.max_connections_to_host <num>
  #  Maximum number of concurrent connections to a given host.
  set connection.max_connections_to_host = 8
# Automatically saved options
## document
#  Document options.
  ## document.browse
  #  Document browsing options (mainly interactivity).
    ## document.browse.images
    #  Options for handling of images.
      ## document.browse.images.display_style <num>
      #  Display style for image tags when displayed:
      #  0     means always display IMG
      #  1     means always display filename
      #  2     means display alt/title attribute if possible,
      #        IMG if not
      #  3     means display alt/title attribute if possible,
      #        filename if not
      set document.browse.images.display_style = 3
      ## document.browse.images.filename_maxlen <num>
      #  Maximum length of image filename when displayed:
      #  0     means always display full filename
      #  1-500 means display filename with this maximal length;
      #        if it is longer, the middle is substituted by
      #        an asterisk
      set document.browse.images.filename_maxlen = 0
      ## document.browse.images.image_link_tagging <num>
      #  When to enclose image links:
      #  0 means never
      #  1 means never if alt or title are provided (old behavior)
      #  2 means always
      set document.browse.images.image_link_tagging = 1
      ## document.browse.images.image_link_prefix <str>
      #  Prefix string to use to mark image links.
      set document.browse.images.image_link_prefix = "["
      ## document.browse.images.show_as_links [0|1]
      #  Display links to images without an alt attribute. If this option is
      #  off, these images are completely invisible.
      set document.browse.images.show_as_links = 0
# Automatically saved options
## document
#  Document options.
  ## document.browse
  #  Document browsing options (mainly interactivity).
    ## document.browse.links
    #  Options for handling of links to other documents.
      ## document.browse.links.target_blank <num>
      #  Define how to handle links having target=_blank set:
      #  0 means open link in current tab
      #  1 means open link in new tab in foreground
      #  2 means open link in new tab in background
      #  3 means open link in new window
      set document.browse.links.target_blank = 1
      ## document.browse.links.use_tabindex [0|1]
      #  Whether to navigate links using tabindex specified ordering. The
      #  TABINDEX attribute in HTML elements specifies the order in which links
      #  should receive focus when using the keyboard to navigate the document.
      set document.browse.links.use_tabindex = 1
      ## document.browse.links.number_keys_select_link <num>
      #  Number keys select links rather than specify command prefixes. This is
      #  a tristate:
      #  0 means never
      #  1 means if document.browse.links.numbering = 1
      #  2 means always
      set document.browse.links.number_keys_select_link = 1
      ## document.browse.links.wraparound [0|1]
      #  When pressing 'down' on the last link, jump to the first one, and vice
      #  versa.
      set document.browse.links.wraparound = 0
  ## document.cache
  #  Cache options.
    ## document.cache.memory
    #  Memory cache options.
      ## document.cache.memory.size <num>
      #  Memory cache size (in bytes).
      set document.cache.memory.size = 10M
  ## document.download
  #  Options regarding files downloading and handling.
    ## document.download.notify_bell <num>
    #  Audio notification when download is completed:
    #  0 is never
    #  1 is when background notification is active
    #  2 is always
    set document.download.notify_bell = 2
  ## document.html
  #  Options concerning the display of HTML pages.
    ## document.html.underline_links [0|1]
    #  Underline links.
    set document.html.underline_links = 1
## ui
#  User interface options.
  ## ui.clock
  #  Digital clock in the status bar.
    ## ui.clock.enable [0|1]
    #  Whether to display a digital clock in the status bar.
    set ui.clock.enable = 0
  ## ui.leds
  #  LEDs (visual indicators) options.
    ## ui.leds.enable [0|1]
    #  Enable LEDs. These visual indicators will inform you about various
    #  states.
    set ui.leds.enable = 1
  ## ui.sessions
  #  Sessions settings.
    ## ui.sessions.homepage <str>
    #  The URI to load either at startup time when no URI was given on the
    #  command line or when requested by the goto-url-home action. Set to "" if
    #  the environment variable WWW_HOME should be used as homepage URI instead.
    set ui.sessions.homepage = "https://www.bing.com"
    ## ui.sessions.snapshot [0|1]
    #  Automatically save a snapshot of all tabs periodically. This will
    #  periodically bookmark the tabs of each terminal in a separate folder for
    #  recovery after a crash.
    #  This feature requires bookmark support.
    set ui.sessions.snapshot = 1
  ## ui.tabs
  #  Window tabs settings.
    ## ui.tabs.top [0|1]
    #  Whether display tab bar at top like other browsers do.
    set ui.tabs.top = 1
  ## ui.timer
  #  Timed action after certain interval of user inactivity. Someone can even
  #  find this useful, although you may not believe that.
    ## ui.timer.duration <num>
    #  Inactivity timeout in seconds. The maximum of one day should be enough
    #  for just everyone (TM).
    set ui.timer.duration = 86400
    ## ui.timer.action <str>
    #  Keybinding action to be triggered when timer reaches zero.
    set ui.timer.action = ""
# Automatically saved options
## terminal
#  Terminal options.
  ## terminal.xterm-256color
  #  Options specific to this terminal type (according to $TERM value).
    ## terminal.xterm-256color.italic [0|1]
    set terminal.xterm-256color.italic = 1
    ## terminal.xterm-256color.block_cursor [0|1]
    set terminal.xterm-256color.block_cursor = 1
# Automatically saved keybindings
bind "main" "O" = "goto-url-current"
bind "main" "o" = "goto-url"
bind "main" "F1" = "menu"
bind "main" "Ctrl-Enter" = "none"
bind "main" "S" = "save-as"
bind "main" "Escape" = "abort-connection"
bind "main" "Ctrl-Insert" = "copy-clipboard"
bind "main" "F10" = "none"
bind "main" "Backspace" = "none"
bind "main" "z" = "abort-connection"
bind "main" "s" = "save-formatted"
# Automatically saved keybindings
bind "main" "[" = "history-move-back"
bind "main" "Ctrl-H" = "history-manager"
bind "main" "i" = "header-info"
bind "main" "g" = "goto-url-current-link"
bind "main" "|" = "none"
bind "main" "h" = "scroll-left"
bind "main" "G" = "none"
bind "main" "E" = "none"
# Automatically saved keybindings
bind "main" "c" = "none"
bind "main" "f" = "link-menu"
bind "main" "Right" = "history-move-forward"
bind "main" "]" = "history-move-forward"
bind "main" "Ctrl-Right" = "none"
bind "main" "x" = "tab-close"
bind "main" "u" = "none"
bind "main" "l" = "scroll-right"
bind "main" "k" = "scroll-up"
# Automatically saved keybindings
bind "main" "j" = "scroll-down"
bind "main" "L" = "none"
# Automatically saved keybindings
bind "main" "X" = "tab-close-all-but-current"
bind "main" "R" = "rerender"
bind "main" "Shift-Space" = "move-page-up"
bind "main" "Ctrl-U" = "move-half-page-up"
bind "main" "Ctrl-D" = "move-half-page-down"
bind "main" "Insert" = "none"
bind "main" "Delete" = "none"
bind "main" "}" = "none"
bind "main" "{" = "none"
bind "main" "b" = "none"
bind "main" "Ctrl-R" = "none"
bind "main" "Ctrl-E" = "move-document-end"
bind "main" "Ctrl-A" = "move-document-start"
# Automatically saved keybindings
bind "main" "e" = "none"
# Automatically saved keybindings
bind "main" "S" = "save-as"
bind "main" "B" = "bookmark-manager"
bind "main" "F" = "formhist-manager"
# Automatically saved keybindings
bind "main" "T" = "open-new-tab"
bind "main" "t" = "open-link-in-new-tab"
# Automatically saved keybindings
bind "main" "I" = "resource-info"
bind "main" "A" = "auth-manager"
# Automatically saved options
## terminal
#  Terminal options.
  ## terminal.screen
  #  Options specific to this terminal type (according to $TERM value).
    ## terminal.screen.colors <num>
    set terminal.screen.colors = 3
# Automatically saved keybindings
bind "main" "r" = "reload"
# Automatically saved keybindings
bind "main" "Ctrl-P" = "move-link-prev"
bind "main" "Ctrl-N" = "move-link-next"
bind "main" "!" = "open-os-shell"
bind "main" ":" = "exmode"
bind "main" "F9" = "none"
# Automatically saved keybindings
bind "main" "S" = "save-as"
# Automatically saved keybindings
bind "main" "Z" = "kill-backgrounded-connections"
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