#!/usr/bin/env python
# credit: https://github.com/aslpavel/sweep.py/blob/master/sweep.py
from functools import partial
def fuzzy_scorer(niddle, haystack):
    """Fuzzy matching for `fzy` utility
    source: https://github.com/jhawthorn/fzy/blob/master/src/match.c
    SCORE_MIN = float("-inf")
    SCORE_MAX = float("inf")
    SCORE_GAP_LEADING = -0.005
    SCORE_GAP_INNER = -0.01
    def char_range_with(c_start, c_stop, v, d):
        d = d.copy()
        d.update((chr(c), v) for c in range(ord(c_start), ord(c_stop) + 1))
        return d
    lower_with = partial(char_range_with, "a", "z")
    upper_with = partial(char_range_with, "A", "Z")
    digit_with = partial(char_range_with, "0", "9")
    BONUS_MAP = {
        "/": SCORE_MATCH_SLASH,
        "-": SCORE_MATCH_WORD,
        "_": SCORE_MATCH_WORD,
        " ": SCORE_MATCH_WORD,
        ".": SCORE_MATCH_DOT,
    BONUS_INDEX = digit_with(1, lower_with(1, upper_with(2, {})))
    def bonus(haystack):
        """Additional bonus based on previous char in haystack
        c_prev = "/"
        bonus = []
        for c in haystack:
            bonus.append(BONUS_STATES[BONUS_INDEX.get(c, 0)].get(c_prev, 0))
            c_prev = c
        return bonus
    def subsequence(niddle, haystack):
        """Check if niddle is subsequence of haystack
        niddle, haystack = niddle.lower(), haystack.lower()
        if not niddle:
        offset = 0
        for char in niddle:
            offset = haystack.find(char, offset) + 1
            if offset <= 0:
                return False
        return True
    def score(niddle, haystack):
        """Calculate score, and positions of haystack
        n, m = len(niddle), len(haystack)
        bonus_score = bonus(haystack)
        niddle, haystack = niddle.lower(), haystack.lower()
        if n == 0 or n == m:
            return SCORE_MAX, list(range(n))
        D = [[0] * m for _ in range(n)]  # best score ending with `niddle[:i]`
        M = [[0] * m for _ in range(n)]  # best score for `niddle[:i]`
        for i in range(n):
            prev_score = SCORE_MIN
            gap_score = SCORE_GAP_TRAILING if i == n - 1 else SCORE_GAP_INNER
            for j in range(m):
                if niddle[i] == haystack[j]:
                    score = SCORE_MIN
                    if i == 0:
                        score = j * SCORE_GAP_LEADING + bonus_score[j]
                    elif j != 0:
                        score = max(
                            M[i - 1][j - 1] + bonus_score[j],
                            D[i - 1][j - 1] + SCORE_MATCH_CONSECUTIVE,
                    D[i][j] = score
                    M[i][j] = prev_score = max(score, prev_score + gap_score)
                    D[i][j] = SCORE_MIN
                    M[i][j] = prev_score = prev_score + gap_score
        match_required = False
        position = [0] * n
        i, j = n - 1, m - 1
        while i >= 0:
            while j >= 0:
                if (match_required or D[i][j] == M[i][j]) and D[i][j] != SCORE_MIN:
                    match_required = (
                        i > 0
                        and j > 0
                        and M[i][j] == D[i - 1][j - 1] + SCORE_MATCH_CONSECUTIVE
                    position[i] = j
                    j -= 1
                    j -= 1
            i -= 1
        return M[n - 1][m - 1], position
    if subsequence(niddle, haystack):
        return score(niddle, haystack)
        return SCORE_MIN, None
def rank_candidates(query, candidates):
    """Score candidates against query in batch and return sorted result
    result = []
    candidates = candidates if isinstance(candidates, list) else list(candidates)
    for text in candidates:
        score, indices = fuzzy_scorer(query, text)
        if indices is None:
        result.append({"text": text, "score": score, "indices": indices})
    result.sort(key=lambda x: x["score"], reverse=True)
    return result
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